Prayer, Prayer Intentions -

Prayer Intentions for the Week of August 2, 2023

We're starting a new theme around prayer intentions. You already know we close our episodes with prayer intentions, and we're grateful that you are responding to the requests and praying for those intentions. Each week we'll post what the prayer intentions were in that week's episode, and then ask how the listeners in the podcast community can pray for you. Feel free to share as much or as little as you'd like. In this way, we build a bit of community by praying for each other.

This week Mother Natalia asks us to pray for a good friend of hers and her dad. The friend's dad is going through health struggles, particularly with cancer.

Father Michael asks us to pray for a person he knows who has some hopelessness in their life because of previous destructive behavior.

How can the listeners in the podcast community pray for you? Come post on our Facebook or Instagram pages!

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