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Weekly Gospel Reflection

Yesterday's Gospel reading features the healing of the paralytic. St. Mark writes that there were so many people crowded around Jesus to hear Him preach. So many people were crowded in a house, in all the rooms, in the hallway, out into the front door, out to the corridor surrounding the house. So many people that the paralytic man had to be lowered THROUGH THE ROOF! in order for Jesus to see him.
Weekly Gospel Reflection

The Gospel reading from yesterday was Nathanael's and Jesus' encounter with each other, when Jesus tells Nathanael that He saw him under the fig tree.
Weekly Gospel Reflection

It's here! The Great Fast has arrived.
Yesterday's Gospel from Matthew has three main themes.
The Great Fast Cycle of Readings

Can you believe we're one week away from the start of the Great Fast? It simultaneously feels like it's snuck up on me and also that it took a long time to arrive this year!
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