Fasting RSS

Apostles' Fast, Fasting -

Yesterday was the start of the Apostles' Fast, which ends June 28th. Last week we reflected on the boldness with which the apostles preached through the power of the Holy Spirit. This week, let us continue to call on the Holy Spirit, to give us the boldness and courage of Sts. Peter and Paul, and all the apostles.

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Fasting, Philip's Fast -

I can't believe it, but Philip's Fast is nearly here! Are you ready?

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Apostles Fast, Byzantine Basics, Dormition Fast, Fasting, Philip's Fast, The Great Fast -

Quick! How many fasting seasons does the Byzantine calendar have? I'm not talking Fridays, I'm talking the multi-day fasting periods.

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Dormition, Dormition Fast, Fasting, Theotokos -

It's here already! Well, imminently here. The Dormition Fast begins tomorrow.

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Apostles Fast, Fasting, Saints, St. Paul, St. Peter -

Today starts the Apostle's Fast, the period leading up to the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.

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