Monastic RSS

Anniversary, Life Profession, Monastic -

Today is the anniversary of Mother Natalia's life profession! We thank God for her vocation and the witness she is to us.

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Byzantine Basics, Monastic -

In the East, what are all fully professed monastic women called?

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Anniversary, Buy a Nun a Beer Day, Life Profession, Monastic -

Tomorrow is Buy a Nun a Beer Day!
Does anyone remember this story?

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Dokimos, Monastic, Rasophore -

We're absolutely delighted to announce that Dokimos Olivia will be tonsured as a rasophore (robe bearer) nun. Her tonsure is scheduled for Sunday, November 20th, the vigil of the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple. During the tonsure she will be given her new monastic name and receive the monastic habit.

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Anniversary, Monastic -

Today we celebrate the one-year anniversary of Mother Natalia's life profession! Please pray for Mother Natalia as she continues in her monastic vocation.

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