Prayer Intentions for the Week of January 8, 2025

Mother Natalia asks us to pray for the new dokimoi, Madison and Rose.
Fr. Michael asks us to pray for the new dokimoi, as well, for perseverance in the monastic life, discernment of God's true will, peace in their heart, joy, and courage in being tested.
Fr. Chris asks us to say a prayer of gratitude for the dokimoi, for their gift of self to the Lord in their vocation. He also asks us to pray for the seminarians at his seminary who are on retreat, that they may be open to the Lord, that they may have clarity in His love and His will for them.
Rose asks us to pray for people she knows who work with women in crisis pregnancies. She also asks us to pray for those who are experiencing difficulties in their families.
Madison asks us to pray for her parents and her friend Libby.
Programming note - our platform does not allow for direct response to comments. We do read them and are praying for our listeners. God bless!