Prayer Intentions RSS

Prayer, Prayer Intentions -

How can you fellow listeners pray for you? Do you need prayers to recognize the transcendent in your life? Or perhaps you need prayers to identify what you're longing for and how that longing is an ultimate longing for heaven.

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Prayer, Prayer Intentions -

How can your fellow listeners pray for you? Do you need prayers to help you cling to Christ throughout this Nativity season?

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Prayer, Prayer Intentions -

How can your fellow listeners pray for you? Do you need prayers as you head into the Nativity season?

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Prayer, Prayer Intentions -

How can the podcast community pray for you? Do you need help seeing the truth and beauty that's been twisted in your life leading to sin?

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Prayer, Prayer Intentions -

How can your fellow listeners pray for you? Do you need prayers for endurance, to help you make it past the first mile?

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