All Souls Saturday

This past Saturday and this upcoming Saturday we celebrate All Souls Saturday. All Souls Saturday is a special day when we specifically pray for the soul's of the dead. There are five throughout the year: Meat Fare Saturday, the Second, Third and Fourth Saturdays of Great Lent, and Pentecost Saturday.
The tradition of praying for the dead is scriptural. We read about it in Maccabees when Judas Maccabaeus offers prayers for the dead who died in sin that they may be received into heaven. We also read St. Paul praying for Onesiphorus in 2 Timothy, that the Lord may grant him mercy as he is being judged. The Catechism says that our prayers for the dead not only help the soul's in need, but also make their prayers for us effective. Powerful!
Go to an All Souls Saturday liturgy this Saturday! It is a good way to remember those who have died and gone before us in faith.
The tradition of praying for the dead is scriptural. We read about it in Maccabees when Judas Maccabaeus offers prayers for the dead who died in sin that they may be received into heaven. We also read St. Paul praying for Onesiphorus in 2 Timothy, that the Lord may grant him mercy as he is being judged. The Catechism says that our prayers for the dead not only help the soul's in need, but also make their prayers for us effective. Powerful!
Go to an All Souls Saturday liturgy this Saturday! It is a good way to remember those who have died and gone before us in faith.
Celebrant: "In blessed repose, grant, O Lord, eternal rest to your departed servants (Names) and remember them forever."
Response: "Eternal memory, eternal memory, blessed repose, eternal memory."