Byzantine Basics - Royal Hours

Royal Hours are special prayers beyond the standard Hours prayers that are prayed on December 24th and January 5th, the vigils of Nativity and Theophany. Additional hymns and readings are featured in Royal Hours. Strict fasting is prescribed for these days.
The Royal Hours for the vigil of the Nativity feature beautiful prayers talking about Joseph and Mary's journey to Bethlehem, Bethlehem's preparation to receive the son of God, Joseph's doubts and ultimate acceptance, Mary's yes to the angel Gabriel (and ultimately God), and the marvelousness that God has shown to us His people by giving us His son.
We encourage you to pray with the prayers for the vigil of the Nativity and join your church for them as you are able. May we all enter into the Christmas season with hearts full of wonder and amazement at what God has done for us!
Listen, O heaven, and give ear, O earth.
Let the foundations be shaken, and let the earth tremble, for our God and Creator has clothed himself in created flesh.
The Creator of all by his strong right arm is created in the womb.
O, the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How inscrutable are his judgments, and how unsearchable are his ways!
Programming note - our platform does not allow for direct response to comments. We do read them and are praying for our listeners. God bless!