Grabbing Quote

"There’s nothing you can do that would make Him turn away from you."
That's a quote from our very own Bree Solstad from this week's upcoming episode.
Do you know this inherently, that God will not turn away from you regardless of your sin? Maybe you know it intellectually, but don't know it in your heart. You've not incorporated this knowledge into your prayer life. You're still afraid to bring things to Him out of fear that they're too big, too small, nothing for Him to worry about. No - our God wants everything! No matter what you have on your mind or heart, He's there waiting to receive it!
I can't wait for you to hear this week's episode where Bree goes into this more. It's really beautiful.
Programming note - our platform does not allow for direct response to comments. We do read them and are praying for our listeners. God bless!
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