Are you at SEEK this week? Have a great trip! Be on the lookout for our very own Fr. Michael O'Loughlin! He'll be there this week and is recording a SEEK episode with Leah Darrow this Wednesday at 5 :15 PM. We hope you can join us in person!
(From Fr. Michael)
Dear listeners,
This photo of Leah Darrow and I was taken 3 1/2 years ago. I love it immensely because if you look at the whole photo, your eyes will be drawn to Leah’s hand resting gently on her pregnant belly, and the light reflecting off my pectoral cross. It subtly emphasizes both of our beloved vocations.
This photo of Leah Darrow and I was taken 3 1/2 years ago. I love it immensely because if you look at the whole photo, your eyes will be drawn to Leah’s hand resting gently on her pregnant belly, and the light reflecting off my pectoral cross. It subtly emphasizes both of our beloved vocations.
This post was scheduled ahead of time, and just this morning Leah announced that she had lost her newest little one to miscarriage. You can read her powerful reflections on her page.
While she and her family rest and mourn, please accompany them in prayer, and don’t forget to both pray for, and to their little one who is with Our Lord.
I will be finding a different co-host for this episode and hope that you can join me in Saint Louis on Wednesday at 5:15pm at the podcast booth at #SEEK23.
God bless you and your beautiful family Leah!!