Hymns, Pascha - April 24, 2023 The Angel Exclaimed and Shine in Splendor We get so many great things in Pascha including festive hymns. What's your favorite hymn that we sing in Pascha?Check out the recording of the nuns of Christ the Bridegroom singing The Angel Exclaimed and Shine in Splendor. It is beautiful! Share Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Pin on Pinterest Leave a comment Name Email Message Please note, comments must be approved before they are published Back to Squirrels! Tags 200 Akathist All Souls Saturday Alleluia Angels Anniversary Announcement Apostles Fast Apostles' Fast Ascension Baby Baptism Birthday Books Bridegroom Bridegroom Matins Bridegrooms Banquet Buy a Nun a Beer Day Byzan-teen Youth Rally Byzantine Basics Byzantine Church Catherine Doherty Christmas Circumcision of Our Lord Clean Monday Coming Soon Death Desert Fathers Divine Liturgy Dokimos Dormition Dormition Fast Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple Exaltation of the Cross Fasting Feast Day Fellowship Fool for Christ Forgiveness Forgiveness Vespers Fundraising Giving Tuesday Gospels Holy Protection of the Mother of God Holy Spirit Hymns IG Live Initiation John the Baptist Judgement Life Profession Liturgical Year Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts Live Recording Martyrs Mary Mercy Monastic Month of Mary Moses Nativity Ordination Papal Prayers Pascha Patreon Pentecost Philip's Fast Photina Pilgrimage Podcast Anniversary Podcast Milestones Podcast Quotes Podcast Reads Prayer Prayer Intentions Prayers for the Dead Pregnancy Presanctified Liturgy Prodigal Son Rasophore Reckless Royal Doors Royal Hours Sacraments Saint John Climacus Saint Photina Saint Quotes Saints Scripture SEEK Servanthood Sin St. Basil the Great St. Constantine St. Ephraim St. Helen St. John Chrysostom St. Luke St. Paul St. Peter St. Timothy Surrender Teens The Ascension The Forerunner The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete The Great Fast The Publican and the Pharisee Theology of the Body Theophany Theotokos Transfiguration Viktor Frankl Vocations Washing of Feet What Are You Reading?