Circumcision of Our Lord, Feast Day -

The Circumcision of Our Lord

Today we celebrate the feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord. In this feast, I think, we celebrate the ordinary way that Jesus lived His life. Jesus, the King of the Universe, even as a baby submits Himself to the law of Moses and undergoes circumcision. His parents, know of the importance of this child, and yet still know it is important to obey the law.
This humility and obedience in submitting to the will of the Father, presented to Moses, then passed down over generations is something we also should imitate. There are days where doing the will of the Father is not easy. It's not always obvious why we are being asked to go down a certain path, stay in a time of uncertainty, pursue a vocation. And yet, that's what we're called to do. He is God and we are not, and thus in humility and obedience we follow His will.
A very Happy New Year!

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