The Holy Female Martyr Agatha

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Agatha, martyr. St. Agatha lived in Italy during the reign of Decius. St. Agatha was beautiful and the local prefect wanted to marry her, but she consistently refused saying that she was a bride of Christ. He reported her to the authorities for being a Christian, which he hoped would have the effect of her wanting to marry him in order to save her life. St. Agatha remained firm in her Christian beliefs and refusal to marry the local prefect.
St. Agatha suffered great tortured and indignities, including imprisonment, beatings, stretches on a rack, having her breasts ripped off, being sent to a brothel, and imprisonment. St. Peter appeared to her while she was in prison and healed her wounds. St. Agatha died in prison, remaining faithful to Christ and speaking of the life to come.
St. Agatha, martyr, pray for us.
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