The Holy Martyr Polychronius

Today we celebrate the Holy Martyr Polychronius. St. Polychronius was born to peasant parents and worked in a vineyard in Constantinople. He devoted himself to the life of prayer and fasting, even during his time of work. His boss was so inspired by St. Polychronius' life, that he gave him more money than he had earned. St. Polychronius in turn took that money to build a church.
During the Nicaean Council, St. Polychronius was a church leader and an ardent defender against the Arians. He was appointed a priest due to his zeal. Those same heretics later attacked and killed him in the church.
St. Polychronius inspires us to live a life worthy of the Gospel. He also inspires us to stand up for the truth, even in the face of danger.
Programming note - our platform does not allow for direct response to comments. We do read them and are praying for our listeners. God bless!