The Theotokos of Guadalupe

Today we celebrate the feast of the Theotokos of Guadalupe. Did you know that she's the patron saint of the unborn? When St Pope John Paul II established her feast, he said, “This is our cry: life with dignity for all! For all who have been conceived in their mother’s womb, for street children, for Guadalupe!” Pope Francis also referenced Our Lady of Guadalupe's patronage of the unborn during a general audience in 2018. He greeted the Polish pilgrims and said, "Saint John Paul II commended to her maternal protection the life and innocence of children, especially those who run the risk of not being born. By her intercession, in this time of Advent, let us implore the gift of children for families without children, respect for the conceived life and the openness of hearts to Gospel values."
Have you been to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe? Any favorite memories?