Feast Day, Transfiguration -

The Transfiguration of Our Lord, God & Savior Jesus Christ

Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration, which is a monumental occasion! On this day, we remember when Jesus showed Himself in His full glory to Sts. Peter, James, and John. I love Peter's response here, where he asks to stay up on the mountaintop, as he's overwhelmed by the experience. He's seen the glory of the Lord, and wants to stay within the glory.
When did you last have a mountaintop experience? Or an experience of the Lord in His glory? It's so understandable to want to hold onto that, to want to be in that forever - cause that's what heaven is! For now we can be thankful for the ways the Lord reveals Himself to us in daily life, in the ordinary and extraordinary, and long for the day when we will see Jesus in His glory in heaven.

Programming note - our platform does not allow for direct response to comments. We do read them and are praying for our listeners. God bless!

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