Byzantine Basics, Gospels, The Great Fast -

Weekly Gospel Reflection

It's here! The Great Fast has arrived.

Yesterday's Gospel from Matthew has three main themes. First, we're called to forgive others. Then we're called to fast without calling too much attention to ourselves or building ourselves up because of our fasting. And finally, we're instructed to build our treasure in heaven.

I (Beth) like how each theme can be something we focus on during the Great Fast. Is there someone in my life I need to forgive? Do I need to accept someone else's forgiveness? Do I constantly talk about how my fast is going? How great I'm doing at not eating meat, avoiding dairy, etc? Do I have many earthly attachments? Have I forgotten that my treasure is ultimately in heaven?

We can come back to this Gospel throughout the Great Fast, making sure we're staying on track, and focusing on Christ. May this time of fasting and prayer help you draw closer to Christ our Redeemer.

Programming note - our platform does not allow for direct response to comments. We do read them and are praying for our listeners. God bless!

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