Life Profession RSS
Intimacy in the Crowd
This week Mother Natalia talks about graces she received during her honeymoon, continuing on the graces from her life profession.
Mother Natalia Live
We were so elated after Mother Natalia's life profession and had a live episode out in Burton, Ohio. We shared this via Instagram but also recorded it for our non-Instagram followers. Happy listening! If you want to watch this episode, check out the video on our Instagram page.Episodes that talk about the Life Profession Divine Liturgy:Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourIf you missed Mother Natalia's Life Profession you can watch the recording up on the monastery's Facebook page.
Monastic Profession: Part Four
This week's episode concludes our review of the monastic life profession series.
Monastic Profession: Part Three
The life profession already happened but we're still walking through the life profession ceremony.
Monastic Profession: Part Two
This is part two of two! Sister Natalia walks through the prayers that are said in a monastic life profession liturgy. She reflected on the liturgy during her life profession retreat earlier, and gives us some insight into her journal entries from her retreat.
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