Meet the Nuns, Monastic, Saints -

What Naked Saints are Not (with Sister???)

This week we're joined by special guest Sister Onuphria, then Olivia. She talks about one of her favorite topics, naked saints! More specifically she talks about how their nakedness can remind us of the interior stripping we should do with God, to give him everything and allow him to guide us and care for us.

Servant of God Michelle Duppong
My Elder Joseph the Hesychast by Elder Ephraim

1 comment

  • Joe

    I was very interested in the topic of “Naked Saints”. Sadly the presentation was incredibly juvenile. Listening to the trio teasing one another was simply silly. The presentation never dealt with any of the spiritual depth of Too many people dismiss the whole idea of the spiritual side of nudity. saints who have lived naked and what were the reasons that inspired them. I felt like I had listened to a group of junior students talking about sex when it was done. Lots of giggles, no substance. This topic deserves better.

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