Episodes RSS

Jealousy, Scripture -

This week Fr. Michael takes inspiration from Matthew's gospel to talk about Jesus not being accepted as a prophet in his own home. Fr. Michael takes this further to talk about the ways we can be jealous of others, even of the good that they're doing.

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Bride, Bridegroom, Prayer -

This week Mother Natalia shares something that she asked for in prayer. She shares how that impacted her as she tried to remember that as she went about her day.

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Scripture -

This week Fr. Michael unpacks two scripture passages that many find hard to receive, especially with our knowledge that God is good and loving.

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Love, Special Guest -

This week we're joined by special guest, Bree Solstad. Bree is a new member of the podcast team and works as our video editor.

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Loss, Special Guest, Tragedy -

This week we're joined by special guest, Bree Solstad. Bree recently joined the podcast team as our video editor. Thanks Bree!

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