Episodes RSS

Family, Patience, Scripture -

This week Fr. Michael takes inspiration from a parishioner who asked for grace from his family as he was going to have a difficult week.

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Attachments, Identity -

This week Mother Natalia takes a mini-topic suggestion from one of our Patreon supporters and talks about it for a full episode!

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Authenticity, Special Guest -

Today we're joined by special guest Ivy Gates. Ivy and Fr. Michael met each other on the #redbusbestbus during a Holy Land pilgrimage.

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Weakness, Wisdom -

This week Fr. Michael talks about an encounter he had in Rome, and how that encounter led him to consider his weaknesses and other people's wisdom.

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Discernment, Mini Topic, Resurrection -

This week Mother Natalia continues her topic on discernment, talking about what not to do but also what to do. She also talks about ways that we see the resurrection in our lives.

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